Crew Postcard Profile.

The Head of the Yarra is constantly innovating to promote the sport of rowing more widely.

In the 2024 event, multiple camera points along the Head of the Yarra course will be combined with GPS tracking devices on each boat to provide race position and web casting of the event. The Head of the Yarra commentary team anchored by Peter Landy will provide a live web broadcast of the day’s racing, profiling crews and generating spectator interest both on the web and at the live site big screen that will be positioned in finish precinct carnival.

We are keen to know about each crew’s story in the form of a short postcard, which our commentary team can build into the day’s web broadcast and share with the broader rowing community.

To assit you to create your crew’s postcard which the commentary team can share, please complete the short series of questions below.

Thanks and good luck on race day.

COMPLETE FORM BELOW To Provide Commentary team with a Postcard about your crew: