2.0 Overview

Entry OPEN Dates and format

  • Early Entry Reservations for Interstate and overseas crews (to facilitate planning opportunity for travellers and those wishing to reserve spots ) are available from 9.00am March 5th.

  • Date for Victorian Crew Entry Open is Monday August 4th. (A quota will be reserved till this date to facilitate local Victorian club entry based on historical trends).

  • On registration of crew entries (up until 6 weeks out from entry), the only information required is Club, Crew race category id (e.g. Men’s Open # 1), and a crew contact ( to finalise crew names & composition prior to 6 weeks out from race).

  • Entries close 6 weeks prior, Monday 0900 13/10/24, unless exhausted prior.

  • Australian entries are with ROWING MANAGER and International entries via Google Form for International entries.

  • The entry cap is 280. Seat fee is $75.00

  • On Entry there will then be an immediate invoicing of entries to ensure limited race slots have commitment. Payment of the entry invoice is required within 7 days. If payment has not been made within 7 days the entry will be forfeited for redistribution. Note that 50% of race fee is non-refundable. This component is treated as an entry commitment.

  • Crew contacts will be required to finalise their crew names and race category by entry close at 9.00am Monday13/10/25.

  • For all Entries, crew names, composition and the resultant crew race category are essential 6 weeks prior to race.

  • There will be no refunding of any part of entry fees after entry closes on Monday13/10/25 at 9.00am.

  • When entry cap is reached, a waitlist will be maintained to offer crew spots that become available on a first-in basis.

  • Limited Trailer Parking will be offered along Boat House Drive in the city, and at the Race Finish in Creswick St - Booking is essential <Here>

  • Additional Information will be provided on offsite trailer parking with procedures to decant with drop-off and pickup of equipment.


2.1 Start Ranking

  • Ranking will be derived from the 2024 HOTY results as well as the 2024 crew ranking criteria that existed for the Open Men’s Women, and the B Grade Men’s races that were cancelled in ‘24 due to heat safety. The ranking belongs to the entering club, and for Masters crews, the ranking is for an age bracket, not for individual rowers. As crews age, they may move into an older bracket for which the entering club does not hold a ranking.

  • They may also inherit a ranking from previous events if there was an older club crew which held a ranking.

  • See tab Race Categories, Handicaps & Start Order via link Race-Categories-Handicaps


By making an entry, all competitors agree to follow the <RACE RULES - HEAD OF THE YARRA> .

Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act

WARNING if you participate in these activities (activities associated with rowing or rowing clubs) your rights to sue the supplier, Hawthorn Rowing Club Inc, Rowing Victoria Inc and Rowing Australia Ltd, under the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012 if you are killed or injured because the activities were not supplied with due care and skill or were not reasonably fit for their purpose, are excluded, restricted or modified in the way set out in or on this notice.

NOTE the change to your rights, as set out in or on this notice, does not apply if your death or injury is due to gross negligence on the supplier's part. Gross negligence, in relation to an act or omission, means doing the act or omitting to do an act with reckless disregard, with or without consciousness, for the consequences of the act or omission. See regulation 5 of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Regulations 2012 and section 22(3)(b) of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012.

The above wording is as prescribed by Consumer Affairs Victoria

www.consumer.vic.gov.au                Hawthorn Rowing Club Inc

2.3 Risk Management

  • All racing will be run in accordance with RV Rules of Racing. Anyone contravening the Rules will be disqualified.

  • Crew entries are billed immediately on entry and must be paid on-time (within 7 days) for an entry booking to be accepted. No Entry fee is refundable after official race-entry closes on Monday October 13th 2025. Note 50% of seat fee is non-refundable - deemed as a commitment on entry to help manage entry quota

  • Masters and Mixed categories will be handicapped - handicaps will be applied at the finish, and your time adjusted.

  • The course is 8,000m. The River will be closed for the duration of the race to all other river users.

  • All crews must be in the start area 5 minutes before the start of their race.

  • If your boat or crew should become damaged or injured or for any reason and be unable to continue to row as a full crew you will be unable to complete the race. You must pull over to the bank as soon as is practical and wait for the race to pass. Marshalls will let you know when you are able to resume your row. If you require medical assistance refer to your coxswain’s medical card for guidelines.

  • If a competitor boat is being overtaken by a faster boat, then the slower boat must yield the best racing line to the overtaking crew and warn the faster crew if they should alter their course. A crew is deemed to be overtaking if a faster crew has its bow ball within half a length of the stern of the slower crew. For safety reasons, the faster boat must be prudent and delay the act of passing if a pass cannot be accomplished without incident.

  • It is very important for all crews to continue rowing lightly once having crossed the finish line.

  • All crews must obey marshals and umpires at all times. Failure to do so may result in disqualification or incur a time penalty.

  • Respect for the safety of other competitors and their equipment must be observed at all times. At no time should an oar be used in anger toward another crew or competitor.

  • Boat recycling will not be advocated, nor will any allowance be provided to allow this to occur within the morning or afternoon bracket pairs.

  • We hope that you enjoy the day and the excellent rowing which the Yarra River offers.